Build a live app from scratch

4. Configuring Ledger's Wallet API

To interact with Ledger Live, you'll need to configure the Ledger's Wallet API. The first step is to install the necessary packages, and then set up the appropriate configuration through a transport layer named "Transport". This transport layer will enable communication with the Wallet API.

  • Installing Packages: Install the necessary packages using npm:

    npm install @ledgerhq/wallet-api-client @ledgerhq/wallet-api-client-react
  • Creating Transport Provider: Create a file named TransportProvider.tsx. This file will contain a component that utilizes the Ledger Wallet API client to create a communication transport Higher Order Component (HOC).

    // src/TransportProvider.tsx
    import { WalletAPIProvider } from "@ledgerhq/wallet-api-client-react";
    import { Transport, WindowMessageTransport } from "@ledgerhq/wallet-api-client";
    function TransportProvider({ children }) {
      function getWalletAPITransport(): Transport {
        if (typeof window === "undefined") {
          return {
            onMessage: undefined,
            send: () => {}
        const transport = new WindowMessageTransport();
        return transport;
      const transport = getWalletAPITransport();
      return (
        <WalletAPIProvider transport={transport}>{children}</WalletAPIProvider>
    export default TransportProvider;
  • Wrapping App with TransportProvider: In your root file, wrap your <App /> with the TransportProvider:

    // src/index.tsx or src/index.js
    import React from 'react';
    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
    import App from './App';
    import TransportProvider from './TransportProvider';
    ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement).render(
          <App />

With this setup, your entire application can access Ledger's Wallet API and communicate with it via the TransportProvider.

5. Setting Up The Simulator

During the development and testing phases, the Ledger Wallet API simulator can help you develop without requiring to run Ledger Live in parallel. You can modify your TransportProvider.tsx file to use the getSimulatorTransport function provided by the simulator library.

// src/TransportProvider.tsx
import { WalletAPIProvider } from "@ledgerhq/wallet-api-client-react";
import { getSimulatorTransport, profiles } from "@ledgerhq/wallet-api-simulator";
import type { Transport } from "@ledgerhq/wallet-api-core";
function TransportProvider({ children }) {
  function getWalletAPITransport(): Transport {
    if (typeof window === "undefined") {
      return {
        onMessage: undefined,
        send: () => {},
    // Use Simulator transport
    const transport = getSimulatorTransport(profiles.STANDARD);
    return transport;
  const transport = getWalletAPITransport();
  return (
    <WalletAPIProvider transport={transport}>{children}</WalletAPIProvider>
export default TransportProvider;

For more informations regarding the simulator, please checkout out the simulator subsection

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